You may enjoy an occasional glass of wine. It is used on many festive occasions to raise a toast, or to enhance a fine meal. But are you aware that wine can also be beneficial to your health? It's really true. Medical studies have revealed a lot of health benefits of drinking wine, especially if it’s a dry red one.
You have probably heard about the 'French Paradox'. This finding concerns wine and health and shows that the French have a lower incidence of coronary disease as we find in the United States, despite the rich, high fat foods found in French cuisine. Many experts attribute this to the regular consumption of wine in the French diet.
So what are the heath benefits of drinking wine and health benefits of red wine in particular? Some wine and health medical studies have shown that an occasional glass of wine can reduce the risk of heart disease or stroke. Moderate wine consumption can reduce the risk of death by cardiovascular disease, stroke, and cancer.
Studies are still being conducted on whether or not red wine gifts positive health benefits. Wine contains flavanoids, anti-oxidants that help to prevent free-radicals from damaging cells. One in particular helps to prevent hardening of the arteries. Wine also contains a substance called resveratrol. This substance has been shown to boost the immune system, block cancer, and protect against cardiovascular diseases.
These substances are found in all wines, but there are more in red wine than in white wine, that is why we are speaking particularly about red wine health benefits. With red wines, the grapes are pressed, and the juice sits for a while with the grape skins and stems still present. Because of this, the grape juice has a chance to leach more of the flavanoids and resveratrol from the grape skins. So, red wines will have a higher concentration of anti-oxidants than white.
If you drink wine for health reasons, you should be aware of the best wines to drink. A study by a team of researchers from the University of California - Davis measured the antioxidant levels of a variety of red wines. As a general rule of thumb, the sweeter the wine, the fewer the flavanoids. The best reds to drink are Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Syrah, and Pinot Noir. Merlots and Red Zinfandels are less potent than the other three wines but still have some benefits.
Despite all the heath benefits of red wine, the important thing to remember is that red wine is good in moderation – it only takes a small amount of red wine to see the health benefits – one or two glasses of wine per day. A glass is typically four ounces, so a 'home measure' of wine in most cases is probably more than enough. Now, if you have started to love red wine even more than before, don’t forget to buy our unique metal wine bottle holders from a wide selection available online at Metal Imagination.